北京交通大学光波技术研究所全光网络与现代通信网教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
提出了一种基于亚波长偏振保持光纤的多维复用与折射率(RI)传感集成器件。该器件由定向耦合器、Y型分束器和布拉格光栅器件构成,能够同时实现三维空间中偏振和频率(解)复用、色散补偿以及RI传感功能。集成器件下行端口输出偏振解复用后的x偏振态,其在0.25 THz频率处的传输率和消光比分别为-5.94 dB和15.16 dB。此后,原波导中y偏振态(工作频率为0.25 THz)与x偏振态(工作频率为0.27 THz)复用后于直通端口输出,传输率分别为-7.20 dB和-2.02 dB。同时,集成的均匀光栅和π相移光栅可分别实现色散补偿(群速度色散为-109.4 ps·THz-1·mm-1)和RI传感(灵敏度为0.181 THz/RIU)功能。基于太赫兹亚波长光纤的集成器件在下一代通感一体化信息系统中具有良好的应用前景。
光学器件 太赫兹 耦合器 复用器 传感器 
2024, 44(8): 0823001
杨小勇 1延英 2,3,4,*陆杰 1,5
1 上海大学理学院物理系 上海 200444
2 苏州大学光电科学与工程学院 苏州纳米科技协同创新中心 江苏 苏州 215006
3 江苏省先进光学制造技术重点实验室 教育部现代光学技术重点实验室 江苏 苏州 215006
4 苏州大学数码激光成像与显示教育部工程研究中心 江苏 苏州 215006
5 上海市星系与宇宙学半解析研究重点实验室 上海 200234
量子比特 量子逻辑门 几何相位 几何量子计算 脉冲设计 qubit quantum gate geometric phase geometric quantum computation pulse designing 
2023, 29(2): 020401
南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏 南京 210094
电子轰击型有源像素传感器(electron bombarded active pixel sensor,EBAPS)具有高增益、快响应、低功耗和低成本等优点,研究EBAPS已成为微光夜视成像技术的一个重要发展方向。国内相关机构在电路设计时,对于EBAPS成像电路中所涉及到的芯片主要还是依赖于进口,为加快EBAPS器件成像电路的国产化进程,研制了一套基于EBAPS的全国产成像电路评估板。该电路以国产复旦微FMK50t系列的FPGA芯片为主控芯片,通过设计CMOS( complementary metal oxide semiconductor) 驱动模块、数据处理模块、Cameralink显示模块等,分别完成对EBAPS器件的驱动、数字图像处理和实时显示等功能。实验结果表明:在轰击高压为负1 500 V的情况下,该国产EBAPS相机的最低探测照度可达到10?3lx量级。
EBAPS 国产 FPGA 成像系统 electron bombarded active pixel sensor domestic field programmable gate array imaging system 
2023, 44(3): 668
卢杰 1常乐 2,*陈益新 3姜云龙 2[ ... ]刘健 1
1 南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏 南京 210094
2 北方夜视技术股份有限公司,云南 昆明 650217
3 南京美乐威电子科技有限公司,江苏 南京 210094
荧光屏时间特性是评价像增强器性能的重要参数之一。微光像增强器纳秒级荧光屏余辉时间目前尚缺乏测试手段,基于传统像增强器余辉时间的测试方案,研制了纳秒级荧光屏余辉时间测试系统。该系统通过采样速率250 MHz的高速信号发生器完成对激光二极管光脉冲的激励,经由下降时间为0.57 ns的光电倍增管完成对荧光屏光信号的光电转换,μA量级的微弱光电流信号经放大及单端转差分电路,在AD9684中完成AD转换,随后荧光屏数字亮度信息经现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array, FPGA)后存储至DDR(double data rate)单元内,经上位机发出指令实现DDR内存的读取,通过USB3.0高速传输协议至上位机中。在数据处理中采用卡尔曼滤波及快速寻找下降沿算法,实现对采集数据的噪声滤波和余辉时间的准确测量。测试结果表明,该纳秒级荧光屏余辉时间测试系统可对具有超快光学特性的像增强器进行有效测试,P47型荧光粉的余辉测试结果达到118. 094 4 ns,重复度为2.08%。
像增强器 快速余辉 自动测试系统 卡尔曼滤波 现场可编程门阵列 image intensifier fast afterglow automatic test system Kalman filter field programmable gate array 
2022, 43(6): 1130
北京交通大学光波技术研究所全光网络与现代通信网教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
提出了一种空气孔辅助型偏振保持少模光纤,在椭圆环芯中心引入一个椭圆形空气孔,并在水平和竖直方向分别引入4个不同尺寸的圆形空气孔,以提高模式间的有效折射率差,实现多阶模式间无串扰偏振保持传输。通过数值仿真研究了4个圆形空气孔的尺寸和位置、环形纤芯的尺寸和椭圆率以及椭圆形空气孔的尺寸和椭圆率对偏振保持传输性能的影响。经过参数优化设计,所提光纤在1520~1600 nm波段内满足所有相邻模式间的有效折射率差Δneff均高于1.0×10-4,色散为17.6~51.3 ps/(nm·km)。所提光纤在大容量空分复用通信技术中具有良好的应用前景。
光纤光学 偏振保持 空气孔辅助 空分复用 少模光纤 
2022, 49(17): 1706001
Author Affiliations
1 University of Macau, Macau 999078, China
2 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
3 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
4 Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
5 Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
6 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518172, China
7 Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
For the non-stop demands for a better and smarter society, the number of electronic devices keeps increasing exponentially; and the computation power, communication data rate, smart sensing capability and intelligence are always not enough. Hardware supports software, while the integrated circuit (IC) is the core of hardware. In this long review paper, we summarize and discuss recent trending IC design directions and challenges, and try to give the readers big/cool pictures on each selected small/hot topics. We divide the trends into the following six categories, namely, 1) machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) chips, 2) communication ICs, 3) data converters, 4) power converters, 5) imagers and range sensors, 6) emerging directions. Hope you find this paper useful for your future research and works.For the non-stop demands for a better and smarter society, the number of electronic devices keeps increasing exponentially; and the computation power, communication data rate, smart sensing capability and intelligence are always not enough. Hardware supports software, while the integrated circuit (IC) is the core of hardware. In this long review paper, we summarize and discuss recent trending IC design directions and challenges, and try to give the readers big/cool pictures on each selected small/hot topics. We divide the trends into the following six categories, namely, 1) machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) chips, 2) communication ICs, 3) data converters, 4) power converters, 5) imagers and range sensors, 6) emerging directions. Hope you find this paper useful for your future research and works.
Journal of Semiconductors
2022, 43(7): 071401
1 西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所, 西藏 林芝 860000
3 北京林业大学精准林业北京重点实验室, 北京 100083
4 石家庄市林业局滹沱河国有林场, 河北 石家庄 050000
5 中国消防救援学院森林草原防灭火研究中心, 北京 102202
森林生态系统水源涵养具有调节气候, 维持生态水平衡等生态功能。 青藏高原作为高寒地区, 由于其高海拔, 环境恶劣的特征, 无法实地人工观测水源涵养量。 为更好地获取高寒地区的水源涵养量, 通过遥感反演的方式得到特定地区的水源涵养价值量。 以林芝巴宜区为研究区, 研究区内林芝云杉、 高山栎、 高山松和雪层杜鹃四种植被为主要树种, 遥感影像无法直接获得水源涵养信息, 但可以通过构建植被叶片光谱信息与水源涵养量之间的定量关系来反演水源涵养价值量。 研究不同植被与水源涵养量的定量关系, 每种植被采集10个样点共1 000个叶片样本和水源涵养数据, 利用ASD光谱仪获取高光谱数据, 通过相关性选取拟合参数, 构建水源涵养回归模型。 利用Sentinel-2遥感影像反演研究区内植被的水源涵养分布, 并对反演结果进行验证。 结果表明, 四类植被叶片的反射光谱, 均呈现出相似的规律性, 在可见光波段差异不明显, 近红外到中红外波段呈现出明显四个水吸收带, 在红光到近红外波段(700~1 400 nm)反射率最高。 光谱反射率大小表现为高山栎>高山松>林芝云杉≈雪层杜鹃。 通过实验获取植被冠层截流量、 枯落物持水量和土壤含水量, 三者之和代表植被的水源涵养量, 分析植被的光谱特征与水源涵养量的关系, 并通过Pearson系数评价波段参数与水源涵养的定量化关系, 确定R540, R1 950, NDWI和NDVI四个参数与水源涵养量显著相关。 根据上述参数与四类植被的水源涵养量构建水源涵养回归模型, 并通过模型反演研究区内植被水源涵养量, 检验模拟精度, 整体反演精度R2大于0.7, RMSE基本小于10, 说明预测模型反演效果较好, 模型可有效估算森林生态系统的水源涵养量。
高寒山地区 水源涵养 高光谱 预测模型 遥感反演 Alpine mountain area Water conservation Hyperspectral Prediction model Remote sensing inversion 
2022, 42(2): 530
重庆光电技术研究所, 重庆 400060
背照结构的InGaAs焦平面器件, 受其衬底InP的阻挡, 对可见光无响应。针对宽光谱探测的应用需求, 研制了一种像元间距为25μm、阵列规模为640×512的InGaAs焦平面探测器。通过在倒焊互连工艺后, 对器件进行干法、湿法相结合的减薄抛光工艺, 所得探测器阵列(PDA)芯片最终保留厚度约5μm, 实现了对400~1700nm光谱范围内可见光和短波红外光的同时响应, 峰值探测率高于8×1012cm·Hz1/2·W-1, 峰值外量子效率超过85%, 响应非均匀性优于6%, 器件成像效果良好。
可见-短波红外 阵列规模 焦平面 InGaAs InGaAs vis-SWIR array size FPA 
2021, 42(6): 795
Author Affiliations
1 Institute for Electric Light Sources, School of Information Science and Technology, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Lighting Technology, and Academy of Engineering and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
2 Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6, Canada
In this work, a blue gallium nitride (GaN) micro-light-emitting-diode (micro-LED)-based underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system was built, and UWOCs with varied Maalox, chlorophyll, and sea salt concentrations were studied. Data transmission performance of the UWOC and the influence of light attenuation were investigated systematically. Maximum data transmission rates at the distance of 2.3 m were 933, 800, 910, and 790 Mbps for experimental conditions with no impurity, 200.48 mg/m3 Maalox, 12.07 mg/m3 chlorophyll, and 5 kg/m3 sea salt, respectively, much higher than previously reported systems with commercial LEDs. It was found that increasing chlorophyll, Maalox, and sea salt concentrations in water resulted in an increase of light attenuation, which led to the performance degradation of the UWOC. Further analysis suggests two light attenuation mechanisms, e.g., absorption by chlorophyll and scattering by Maalox, are responsible for the decrease of maximum data rates and the increase of bit error rates. Based on the absorption and scattering models, excellent fitting to the experimental attenuation coefficient can be achieved, and light attenuation by absorption and scattering at different wavelengths was also investigated. We believe this work is instructive apply UWOC for practical applications.
220.4830 Systems design 290.5850 Scattering, particles 290.5825 Scattering theory 230.6080 Sources 
Chinese Optics Letters
2019, 17(10): 100010
Author Affiliations
1 Department of Electronic Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
2 Shenzhen Research Institute of Xiamen University, Shenzhen 518057, China
3 Department of Physics, State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
We report on the direct generation of passively mode-locked vortex lasers in the visible spectral region, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, using a Pr:LiYF4 (Pr:YLF) crystal as the gain medium. A stable mode-locked TEM00 mode has been achieved with a maximum average output power of 75 mW using a graphene saturable absorber mirror. The mode-locked pulse width is measured to be as short as about 73.4 ps at a repetition rate of about 140 MHz, and the laser wavelength is at about 721 nm with spectral width of about 0.5 nm. By slightly misaligning the laser resonator, a first-order Laguerre-Gaussian mode (LG0,1) has also been obtained with output power reduced to about 22 mW. The achieved LG0,1 mode has been verified via a home made improved Fizeau interferometer. This work provides a simple and universal method for direct generation of an ultrafast vortex laser, which can be readily extended to other spectral regions by using different laser gain mediums.
Photonics Research
2019, 7(11): 11001209

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